Code of Conduct Policy
This code of conduct exists to protect and uphold the reputation of Valentine FC and its aspirations to create a Club culture under which the playing and watching of football (soccer) is desirable, enjoyable and rewarding for all participants, and to provide an environment where all participants have fun, and develop skills in football, sportsmanship and team play.
Valentine FC will use this code of conduct as a primary, but not sole, reference point when making decisions about the appropriateness of player, official or spectator conduct.
By resolution of the Valentine FC Executive Committee, coaches, players and parents must agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct as a prerequisite to achieving membership of Valentine FC. All committee members, coaches and officials are obliged to observe and enforce this Code of Conduct.
By registering with the club, attending club games or functions or volunteering for club activities participants are accepting the conditions of this code of conduct.
Club Philosophy
Players participate in football to have fun. If players don’t have fun playing football, they are not likely to stay at the club.
Football is just a game. Having fun and playing the game are more important than how many wins and losses are accumulated or how many trophies are collected. The coaches’ role is to help all players to enjoy the game and to learn and develop football and life skills.
Football development requires that children and youth play age-appropriate activities, so they are able to experience, comprehend, and execute the game as it relates to where they are at with their own stage of physical and mental development. Coaches should aim to teach the techniques of the game through a variety of fun activities in which players have as much contact with a ball as possible and learn at their own rates.
Whilst players are developing, coaches should encourage players to try different positions so that each player learns all the skills necessary to develop in the game. Players can expect to receive equal playing time and be given equal opportunity to learn when they are abiding by the club’s code of conduct.
Should a player, coach or manager receive sanction during a match, the Club will determine through investigation as to whether it will support an appeal through the NSW judicial system. However, this support does not extend to financial support – i.e. payment of appeal costs.
Code of Conduct
- I will learn and play by the rules.
- I will play for enjoyment, work hard to improve my skills and be a fair team player.
- I will respect, encourage, and get along with my teammates.
- I will make every effort to be on time for training and games.
- I will respect coaches, teammates, opponents, officials, volunteers and spectators.
- I will not openly or repeatedly argue an official’s decision.
- If I have a grievance or concern, I will raise this firstly with my coach or my team manager.
- If resolution cannot be achieved at this level, I will inform the coach of my intention before raising any issue directly with the committee.
- I understand and respect that the coach and team manager are responsible for the team, and I agree to listen to them and to follow reasonable directions from them.
- I will wear the correct footwear, club uniform and shin guards.
Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct
- I will display good sportsmanship, and always respect players, coaches, officials, volunteers, and other spectators.
- I will always act appropriately and encourage, in a positive manner, fair play from all participants.
- I will be supportive after the game, regardless of the score, and I will recognise good effort, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
- I will resolve to conduct myself in a manner consistent with the culture and aspirations of the club even under the most trying circumstances.
- I will not use obscene or vulgar language on the field or in my role as a spectator.
- I will not taunt players, coaches, officials, or other spectators by means of baiting, ridiculing, making negative comments, threat of violence or actual violence.
- I will not boo or jeer players or officials.
- I will not speak directly to or openly challenge the work of an official.
- I will not openly object to an official’s call or yell at an official.
- I understand and respect that the coach and team manager are responsible for the team and my child while he/she is playing, and I undertake to follow reasonable directions from them.
- I will not consume drugs or alcohol on the playing fields.
- I will respect the facilities and grounds when playing at home or when playing away.
- I will encourage my child to speak to the coach or manager about any concerns or difficulties.
Coach and Manager Code of Conduct
- I will ensure that the players and parents are aware of their obligations under the Valentine FC code of conduct.
- Winning is a consideration, but not the only nor the most important one. I will care more about the child than winning the game.
- I will remember players are involved in soccer for fun and enjoyment and a player’s safety is of the utmost importance.
- I will give all players an equal opportunity to participate.
- I will be a positive role model to my players, display emotional maturity and be alert to the physical safety of players.
- I will be generous with my praise, consistent, honest, fair and just.
- I will not criticise players publicly.
- I will adjust to personal needs and problems of players, be a good listener and never verbally or physically abuse a player, official, parent or other club member.
- I will give all players the opportunity to improve their skills, gain confidence and develop self-esteem.
- I will organise training that is fun and challenging for my players.
- I will familiarise myself with rules of football, training techniques and the strategies of football.
- I will encourage all players to be team players.
- I will maintain an open line of communication with players and parents, and I will explain our goals and objectives.
- I will be concerned with the overall physical and social development of players and stress the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
- I will not dispute or argue an official’s decisions.
- I will not use obscene or vulgar language in my dealings with players, officials, spectators, or other club members.
- I will make every effort never to be alone with players under 18 (other than my own children).
- I will NOT do things for children that they can do for themselves. This includes things of a personal nature.
- I will take reasonable measures to avoid placing myself or my players in situations where there could be a risk of or an accusation of abuse or neglect.
- I will be respectful in all dealings with the club’s committee members
Club Administrators & Officials.
- Respect the diversity and range of skills that all volunteers bring to the club.
- Be honest and careful in all dealings with the Club’s property and reputation.
- Ensure that all players are given an equal chance to participate.
- Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules suit the age, ability and maturity of the players.
- Attend meetings as required.
- Provide quality supervision and instruction for coaches and managers.
- Remember that players participate for enjoyment.
- Encourage coaches and officials to highlight appropriate behaviours and skill development and help improve the standards of coaching.
- Ensure that everyone involved in club football emphasises fair play above winning.
- Take reasonable measures to avoid placing myself or members of the club in situations where there could be a risk of or an accusation of abuse or neglect.
Penalties for Non-compliance
In addition to any penalties assessed during the game, any violation of the above code may result in a one game suspension. A second violation may result in a three game suspension. Any additional violation may result in a possible season suspension. When a player is under suspension the player will not be allowed to participate in competition games, practice games or tournament games.
The Committee reserves the right to immediately suspend or discharge a player from the Club for extreme breaches of the code of conduct or any behaviour that the committee finds to be in stark contrast to the culture and aspirations of the Club.
Parents and Spectators:
If a parent violates any part of the code the committee may rule that they cannot attend another game, practice, practice game or tournament game for two weeks. In the case of subsequent violations, the parent may be subjected to further disciplinary action by the Conduct Review Committee, which may include a permanent ban on attending games or, in the worst-case scenario, suspension of the child for the parent’s failure to adhere to the Code and/or comply with the sanctions.
All penalties will be assessed and determined by the Executive and/or General Committee.
Coaches and Managers:
Coaches shall be subject to penalties as assessed and determined by the Executive Committee and/or the General committee.
Club Administrators and Officials:
These will be decided on a case-by-case basis by a full meeting of the Committee in the absence of the Committee Member alleged to have breached the code.
Communications Policy
This Policy defines Valentine FC’s expectations regarding Club communications and the general rules for using the different mediums used to promote Club activities.
Valentine FC acknowledges and recognises the growing reliance and use of information technology (such as email, website, Facebook, Instagram, Team App, etc.) for communication. They are all vital parts of modern communication strategies between the Club and our stakeholders and must always be used appropriately.
Valentine FC also understands the role that Social Media plays in shaping the image of our Club, and the flow of effects this could have for our sponsors, players and members, and other stakeholders.
The Executive and General Committee understand and accept its responsibility to this effect and to abide by the Club’s Code of Conduct. Equally, it is imperative that all players, parents, guardians, supporters and friends also abide by the Club’s Code of conduct when communicating with or about the Club.
As a player and/or member of Valentine FC, it is everyone’s responsibility to uphold and implement this Policy.
Aims and Objectives:
This Policy aims to help us make appropriate decisions about our Club’s online presence via websites and social media, and related postings via these or other communications mediums in the public domain.
These guidelines will help us maintain a respectful and beneficial interaction with stakeholders online. They also protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of our Club, players, members, sponsors, and other stakeholders.
How Social Media will be used
Social media will be used as an authorised two-way communication strategy from the Club Executive and General Committee to all players and members with the aim to:
- Use Social Media to provide immediate information to players and members;
- A quick, inexpensive and very effective way to communicate with players and members;
- Further promote our sponsors;
- Further promote our Club to increase our member base (and thus increase exposure to our sponsors);
- Market club merchandise;
- Promote come-and-try days; and
- Post photos and calendar events
Official Club Communication Sites
Valentine FC will maintain an official Club website, and social media presence on Facebook, Instagram and Team App. The official Club social media tools will be used for all communications that:
- Benefit the entire Club
- Profile the Club’s activities within the wider community
- Save time and effort for Club volunteers and administrators;
- Enhance our Club’s reputation or builds Club culture;
- Attract additional Club members and sponsors;
- Transforms our strategic thinking into opportunities for our Club;
- Prepare our Club for the future;
- Communicate effectively with Club members and supporters; and
- Remain a relevant forward-thinking Club.
Unofficial Club Communication Sites
Valentine FC recognises that individual football program/teams may wish to maintain social media sites to facilitate inter-team communications or facilitate such activities as Holiday Clinics/Summer Programs, etc. (for example WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.)
Such sites will only be used for communications within that affect that specific football/programs – all football program/team communications that affect/benefit the wider Club or will be directed towards the official Club communication sites.
Creation and use of such ‘non-official sites’ will be at the discretion and approval of the Club Executive Committee. The information presented on such sites may be reviewed by the Executive periodically to ensure the Club’s interests are protected.
Rules for using non-official Club communication sites:
- Only targeted football program/team members provided access (eg. players from a single team or teams)
- Use common sense
- Always respect the game, Valentine FC, competitors, players, fans and sponsors
- Promote stories about you and your football program/team
- Interact with your followers and friends
- Report inappropriate online behaviour or content to Club Executive.
- Do not post announcements or information that are for “Club-wide” and wider community audiences
- Don’t think that anything you upload is private
- Do not abuse Valentine FC, referees, other clubs, players, fans or sponsors. The Club will uphold zero tolerance in the case of abuse or similar behaviour of any kind (refer Club Code of Conduct)
- Never post photos or content that are inappropriate (i.e. drinking, nudity, foul language etc). Compliance with Club Policies extends to behaviour that negatively impacts the Club’s reputation.
- Ignore haters – simply don’t respond to them.
Breaches Of Use:
Valentine FC has ‘Zero Tolerance’ in relation to breaches of this policy – there is to be no bringing the Club into disrepute, no racial and/or religious vilification, no derogatory remarks towards our Club, other Clubs and/or individuals.
Inappropriate use of electronic communication includes but is not limited to making or posting inappropriate comments against players, clubs (ours and others), club officials, match officials, football association or their delegates – which is hurtful, discriminatory or offensive in nature.
Any person who believes that they have been the victims of inappropriate electronic communication should report the matter to any member of the Club Executive (either in writing or verbally) along with any evidence that may assist the Club in investigating the concern.
Any material or language posted on Club social media platforms that is deemed to have breached this Policy or our Code of Conduct will be promptly removed by the Club administrators.
The Club will undertake to investigate the concern at its discretion. Matters which are deemed by the Executive Committee to be more serious in nature may be reported to external authorities (ie: the Police) – should this be the case, it will be reported to them by the Club President or Secretary.
Non-compliance with the general outline above will result in disciplinary action for any variations – as outlined in the Club’s Constitution and Club’s Code of Conduct. A rule of thumb is: “If you don’t have something positive to say, then do not say anything at all.”
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
For the purposes of this policy ‘inclusion’ means access for all. It means recognising differences between individuals / groups and providing opportunities for them to participate in Football regardless of those differences, whether this is as a participant, coach, leader, official, volunteer or spectator.
Valentine FC embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable. We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social/economic status.
The Club will develop a focus on inclusion, not exclusion, and ensure that we provide appropriate advice to members and volunteers to ensure that everyone can participate as fully as possible. The Inclusion Policy is intended to promote positive attitudes and perceptions and to improve opportunities for everyone to participate at our club.
We will seek to ensure that we comply with the Football Australia member protection framework and the characteristics protected by it (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity) and encourage our members to do so. We will seek to include everyone regardless of whether they have a protected characteristic or not.
Our aim is to provide an environment where everyone feels:
- Welcome
- Represented
- Included in decision making
- Able to participate
- Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification.
The aims of the Inclusion Policy are:
- To promote the development of knowledge and understanding of disability, equity and inclusion amongst our participants, leaders/coaches, officials, volunteers and competition/event organisers by the provision of appropriate guidance and training. To guide and support the integration of inclusive practice into our core club/group programmes and activities.
- To contribute towards growing and sustaining numbers of people from under-represented groups participating within our club.
- To promote inclusion within Football wherever possible.
- To adopt inclusive practice within our competition and events.
- To promote close working partnerships with relevant groups and organisations to support the development of inclusive practice within our club.
Valentine FC will:
- Not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.
- Actively identify and reduce barriers to participation for under-represented groups.
- Consult with expert partners and other organisations to facilitate inclusive practices and remove barriers to participation.
- Ensure under-represented groups are given the opportunity to participate in all aspects of our club.
- Provide opportunities for all in coaching, officiating and leadership positions.
We will provide a welcoming environment
- We will think positively about how we can include people rather than focusing on potential barriers to participation.
- We will consider how our club/group is promoted. For example, by providing information in formats which are accessible and by using appropriate imagery.
- We will encourage people to contact us to discuss their needs and requirements to facilitate inclusion and we will ensure we consider what reasonable adjustments could be made to enable them to participate.
- We will develop the knowledge and understanding of key officials, coaches, leaders and other volunteers, of disability, equity and inclusive practice by providing appropriate guidance and training.
We will talk to people
- We will, so far as is reasonably possible, consult with relevant groups and with prospective individuals about their needs and requirements.
- We will not make assumptions and will try to speak to people about the reasonable adjustments they believe might be made to enable them to participate and to discuss how these could be made.
We will make reasonable adjustments
- We will demonstrate that every effort has been made to enable everyone to participate and that inclusion not exclusion has been the priority.
- If reasonable adjustments are required to make an event/activity accessible, then we will make those reasonable adjustments.
Injury Management Process
Valentine FC’s Injury Management process aims at identifying injuries early, getting players treated by quality providers and the club being assured that players are deemed fit it to return by the treatment provider before returning to training or games. A structured injury management process is especially important as players are keen to get back on the pitch may not advise the Club or appropriately manage injuries, potentially doing more damage to themselves and also lengthening the period of absence – affecting the team and club in the process.
We are pleased to have Caves Coastal Physiotherapy onboard as the Club’s preferred provider for Physiotherapy treatment and Injury management process support. Valentine FC via our Technical Director, Coaches, Program Managers and the players themselves will work closely with Caves Coastal Physiotherapy to ensure optimal outcomes in injury prevention and management.
On overview of Valentine FC’s Injury Management process follows:
Injury Management process:
- All injuries need to be reported and recorded in the injuries register using instructions provided on signage in the change rooms. Our club should record all injuries sustained at the home ground, from both home and away teams. When injured at an away game, we should try to ensure the injury is recorded in the injury register for that venue.
- If a player is injured and does NOT return to training or a game, they MUST seek medical advice to confirm they are cleared for training and/or game (this can be a Dr/Physio etc.)
- Physio referral – Caves Coastal Physiotherapy will be contacted on Monday morning each week, being notified on injuries sustained over the weekend.
- If it is a serious injury and there is an Injury Management Plan (from Caves Coastal Physiotherapy or treating specialist), the Program Manager, Team Coach and Manager must be made aware and provided a copy of the Plan as soon as received. The Technical Director will be made aware by the Program Manager.
- If a player does NOT provide a clearance, the club has a duty of care to ensure the player is not injured further due to the current injury. The player will NOT be able to train/play until clearance has been provided.
- We respect a player may choose to seek advice at treatment providers other than Caves Coastal Physiotherapy, however the same protocols apply regarding a written clearance and Injury Management Plan if required.
- If an alternate Physio is advised, please take a photo of the form and send to the player/parent (and keep the paper copy within the register)
Any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact the Valentine FC Technical Director.
Player Selection
This policy aims to guide the development of a competitive National Premier League (NPL) or Premier Youth League (PYL) Competition program that illustrates loyalty to existing players and confidence in our existing Junior Development League (JDL) Program, while also recognising players who have previously left the Club for higher levels of competition (not provided by Valentine FC at that time), wishing to return to the Club. It also aims to promote and develop talent identified in our Community Football Programs, providing a pathway for all club members to achieve at the highest levels.
This policy provides the basis for selection of players wishing to participate in the Valentine FC Premier Competition (NPL and PYL) teams. The scope of this policy includes the following teams:
Junior Development League | NPL Men / PYL Boys |
Under 9 | Under 13 |
Under 10 | Under 14 |
Under 11 | Under 15 |
Under 12 | Under 16 |
| Under 18 |
| Senior Squad |
By virtue of the teams covered by this policy and the Club’s commitment to player development, the following Valentine FC document must be read in conjunction:
Any queries should be directed to the Valentine FC Technical Director at valentinefctd@gmail.com
The aim of this policy is to clearly articulate Valentine FC’s position with respect to player selection to enable fielding of competitive teams in the NNSW National Premier League and Premier Youth League competitions while continuing to build a sustainable football club supporting the Valentine, Eleebana and surrounding communities.
Valentine FC is committed to:
- Illustrating commitment to our existing club members and confidence in the development programs within our Club
- Practicing fair, transparent and repeatable selection processes
- Successfully grouping players with similar skills together to enable the Club to field competitive teams, and
- Responding respectfully to questions and concerns of players and parents regarding the selection process.
The selection process is critical to ensure that each player is placed in a team where they will have opportunities to develop their football skills in a competitive environment according to their development needs.
Selection Trial Participation
All players wishing to participate in the Valentine FC Premier Competition teams (NPL Seniors and PYL Boys) are required to participate in the selection process.
The dates and times for selection’s will be advised on Valentine FC’s social media pages and also by TeamApp and email to whole of Club.
Players who are unable to attend selection sessions must notify the Technical Director via email valentinefctd@gmail.com prior to the scheduled selection session.
Selection Methodology
The relevant Valentine FC Technical Director and invited technical staff will manage the selection process. Assistance may be sought from Valentine FC coaches and FFA accredited members of the local footballing community.
Unqualified Valentine FC committee members will assist with the administration of the selection process only. The Committee may intervene in the case where a prospective player or a person associated with that player has behavioural or reputational issues that may bring the Club into disrepute or cause friction within the Club.
Parents will not be permitted to grade their own children and are not to participate in the decision-making process where they have a direct conflict of interest i.e. child/relative/friend.
The Selection process will commence no later than 8 weeks after the completion of the season, with teams announced prior to Christmas each year. The trial process will be a two-stage process consisting of an assessment of skills and game play, in line with the current FFA Curriculum.
The skills assessment will cover core skills from the FFA Curriculum.
The game play component will consist of trial games where players will be assessed on their performance.
Additionally, player attitude, behaviour and future potential will be taken into consideration.
The number of selection sessions may vary for each age group. For instance, additional sessions may be held where there are a large number of players trailing within a particular age group.
Selection assessment records will be captured by selection staff for each participant trialling, using the following – located in the Appendix section of this Policy:
- Appendix A – Skill Acquisition Evaluation (Ages 9-13)
- Appendix B – Game Training Evaluation (Ages 14-18)
- Appendix C – Goal Keeper Evaluation
Team Selection
Definition– Valentine FC player – are those players:
- already within the Valentine system and
- those who previously left the Club to play at a level not offered by Valentine FC at that time and wishing to return to the club – e.g. 11-year-old Valentine Junior participating Macquarie SAP or Emerging Jets.
The relevant Valentine FC Technical Director will make the final decision on player placements. However, defined Valentine FC players (see above) will be given priority over players wishing to join the club for the first time.
Teams will be finalised at the latest six to eight weeks prior to commencement of the first game of the season.
Changes to final teams cannot be made without consultation with the relevant Valentine FC Technical Director and the team coach.
The Registrars will be responsible for team administration including notification and distribution of team lists to coaches.
The coach/manager will email their new team, welcoming players and providing information about training schedules and any other relevant information.
Questions concerning selection, team selection or coaching will be directed by email to the relevant Valentine FC Technical Director via email: valentinefctd@gmail.com
Selection in a Higher Age Group
NNSW Premier Competition (PYL and NPL) rules regarding playing up will be followed at all times. Players in Under 13 through Under 16 will only be registered in their own age group – but may fill in from time in accordance with the NNSWF rules.
An Under 18 or higher age group player wanting to play in a higher age group will need to seek permission from the relevant Valentine FC Technical Director and also need to attend the selection sessions for both age groups.
Assessment of these players will be made using the same criteria for players from within the age group they wish to play in.
The relevant Valentine FC Technical Director may require NNSW Football approval if the player is playing 2 years above their age.
Team Selection Notification
All participants or parents where participant is under 18 years of age will receive notification via personal email – in the following order:
- Unsuccessful
- Fringe/Reserve List
- Successful
All participants or parents where participant is under 18 years of age will be offered a copy of their assessment sheet – which may be used for their own development.
Upon notification of all participants or parents where participant is under 18 years of age and backfilling of positions turned down, final team lists will be announced via the Valentine FC website and Social Media accounts.
Valentine FC will address and resolve parent and player concerns promptly.
In the event of a dispute, the player and/or parent/carer may write to the relevant Technical Director outlining their grievance with relevant information/evidence supporting their claim(s). This is to be no more than 250 words.
The relevant Valentine FC Technical Director will assess all disputes and will provide a decision to the player and/or parent/carer within 7 days of receiving the letter.
It the dispute is unable to be resolved by the relevant Technical Director, the matter may be submitted for appealed to the Valentine FC Committee for settlement. This decision will be final, and no subsequent appeals will be considered.
Player Development Policy
This Policy illustrates Valentine FC’s commitment to player development from Under 6 through to premier division teams.
While each of the Valentine FC football programs (Community Football, JDL, PYL and NPL) play a significant role in implementing quality development programs, Valentine FC acknowledges that player’s development is not the sole responsible of the individual football programs – it is a Club wide concern – as poor player development in junior ranks will not only affect where parents chose to register their children at a young age, restrict player ambition, but ultimately the quality of players in our Premier Youth and Senior NPL teams.
Aims and Objectives
This Policy aims to help Valentine FC make appropriate decisions about our Club’s approach to player development. Fundamentally, Valentine FC is building a competitive club ‘bottom up’ that supports the Club’s Community Football objectives and also an achievement of ‘development club’ rather than a ‘buying club’ in the Premier Competition environment.
Valentine FC supports implementation of the National Football Curriculum. The Curriculum distinguishes 6 Building Blocks, which aim to:
- Instil a lifelong passion and love for football in young players
- Create a real ‘football culture’ in Australia
- Develop technically proficient players
- Develop tactically aware, proactive players
- Transform the physical and direct style of youth football in Australia to a successful style based upon technique and creativity
Supported by the implementation of other Valentine FC policies (e.g. Code of Conduct), the result of this approach will support the creation of higher levels of engagement, enjoyment and development in our members.
In supporting player development and connecting coaching methodologies with the FFA Curriculum there are 4 key phases in the Valentine FC player development program:
- The Discovery Phase – age 6-8
- The Skill Acquisition Phase – age 9-13
- The Game Training Phase age 14-17
- The Performance Phase – age 17 +
It is apparent that the quality of practice is vital although time should be invested in non-organised practice, such as playing with mates in the park or juggling a ball in the back yard, is at least as important. Therefore, the importance of providing our volunteer coaches the appropriate resources and creating an environment where football is fun is of critical importance to Valentine FC in achieving its vision and objectives.
It’s important to realise that it is impossible to ‘impose’ motivation. Pushy parents or coaches will achieve nothing (or the opposite of what they are looking for) if it isn’t the player’s own choice.
To positively affect this area, Valentine FC’s overarching fundamental approach to motivate players is to:
- Praise effort – not ‘talent’
- Emphasise that abilities can be transformed – through application
- Emphasise that challenges are learning opportunities – instead of threats
While coaches may plan to grow their own development, it must be noted, that Valentine FC hosts players with highly varied levels of ability and self-motivation – some kids just want to play and enjoy football. It is important for coaches and Valentine FC to assist in coach/team matching to ensure that club culture and objectives are not challenged unnecessarily.
Coaching Coordination
Quality of practice is clearly contingent on the importance of good coaching. Good coaching means purposeful practice and quality feedback.
Purposeful practice is always aimed at progress: after all, only by working at what you can’t do will you turn into the player you might want to become. And quality feedback is the rocket fuel that propels learning. Without it, no amount of practice is going to get you there because “if you don’t know what you are doing wrong you can never know what you are doing right”. Good coaches are therefore able to design practice so that feedback is embedded in the exercise, leading to automatic adjustment.
While Valentine FC promotes our coaching staff attending and obtaining formal coaching qualifications – we know this is not always possible in a volunteer capacity.
Additionally, Valentine FC football programs will arrange voluntary coach awareness sessions several times throughout the season, delivered by the Club to embed Club technical expectations and support material into our approach.
Phases of Development
Phase | Discovery Phase | Skill Acquisition Phase | Game Training Phase | Performance Phase |
Age | 6-9 years | 10-13 years | 14-17 years | 17+ |
Fundamentals | No ‘coaching’ but organising fun football exercises. Natural development: ‘learn FOOTBALL by playing football’. Emphasis on building a love of the game. | Focuses on developing four core skills when in possession of the ball: First Touch1v1. Running with the ball Striking the ball | In possession of the ball (BP): Playing out from the back. Midfield play Attacking When the opponent is in possession of the ball (BPO): Disturbing/pressuring. Defending/recapturing the ball | Prepare teams for a competitive environment where winning has become the main aim. Train to focus on solving football problems, based on match analysis. Integrate FOOTBALL CONDITIONING as a key part of the program |
Training sessions | Weekly training sessions of 45 minutes | Max 2-3 sessions/week of 60-75 minutes | Max 3 sessions of 75-90 minutes | Max 4 sessions of 75-90 minutes |
Support Material | Valentine FC Coaching Manual: Discovery Phase | Valentine FC Coaching Manual: Skill Acquisition Phase | Valentine FC Coaching Manual: Game Phase | Valentine FC Coaching Manual: Performance Phase |
Holiday Clinics
Clinics are delivered during the Christmas (late January), Easter and July School Holidays as an opportunity for boys and girls to develop their skills in a fun and social environment.
Clinics will be coordinated by the Football Department and delivered by Valentine FC PYL and/or NPL Senior Squad players – at a ratio of 1 coach per max 15 players. The Club may also invite high profile coaches/players to assist in the implementation of these programs.
Valentine FC will charge an appropriate fee per participant to cover coaching, ground hire, gear and administrative costs.
Coordinated “Fun Play” (incl. Clinics)
In our youngest age groups (Under 6-9), Valentine FC do not deliver traditional “training sessions” as may be delivered to older players. The Discovery Phase within these age groups will be delivered through coordinated training based around “fun play” for this age group, using the following fundamentals;
- No ‘coaching’ but organised fun football exercises
- Natural development: ‘learn FOOTBALL by playing football’
- Emphasis on building a love of the game.
The technical content of the program will be developed by the Football Department and delivered by Valentine FC PYL or NPL Senior Squad players.
“Fun Play” sessions will be coordinated by a professional coach – and delivered at a ratio of 1 coach per max 15 players. The importance of engaging parents at this age group must not be underestimated. Therefore, parents will be encouraged to assist in delivery of these sessions.
These sessions will be delivered over an appropriate number of nights – to cater for the target population – based on 1 session of 45 minutes per team.
Summer Programs
Football as a sport is quickly emerging as a 12 month a year sport – with the inclusion of Futsal, small-sided competitions etc. Pressure is also on many clubs to continue developing players between seasons to maintain healthy levels of success within competition teams.
The technical content of the program will be endorsed by the Club’s Football Department. Sessions will be delivered by Valentine FC PYL or NPL Senior Squad players – at a ratio of 1 coach per max 15 players.
Valentine FC will charge an appropriate fee per participant to cover coaching, gear and administrative costs.
Phoenix Foundation
The Valentine FC Player Development Pathway identifies clear and consistent pathways for player development within the Club. The pathway reflects the transition through Community Football, into graded competition, JDL, PYL, right through to NPL.
The Phoenix Foundation development program is managed the Club’s Football Department and provides the opportunity to identify the best Under 7, 8, 9, 10, and year olds and harnesses them into a program developed and overseen by the Club’s Technical Directors and A-License coaching staff. See the Valentine FC Phoenix Foundation development coaching program for more information.
Valentine FC will charge an appropriate fee per participant to cover the costs associated with coaching, Academy kit, ground hire, gear and administrative costs.
Appointment of Technical Directors (JDL, PYL and NPL)
While technical development across the club is of absolute importance, success will not be at the expense of Club culture and achieving club objectives.
Continuation of the development of the Club’s Premier Football teams and providing these teams with an opportunity to achieve at the highest of football is of absolute necessity.
To facilitate this, Valentine FC will deliver the following measures to ensure that development continues throughout a player’s career:
- Appointment of a quality and qualified Technical Director to oversee Premier Youth and NPL Senior Squad’s player development
- Appointment of a quality and qualified First Grade Coach for the NPL competition
- Implementation of (available on the Club TEAM APP):
- 40 Week Training Plan (PYL and NPL)
- Community Development Programs
- Coach development sessions and coaching performance reviews – delivered by the Technical Director support staff.
- Player performance reviews built upon information gathered in trial process – delivered by the relevant Technical Director.
Appointment of Technical Directors:
The appointment of the Club’s Technical Directors will occur following:
- Consultation with NNSW Football
- The development (or review) of the Position Description for the Technical Director.
- Formal advertising in the wider community in order to identify the best possible candidate(s)
- Assessment of each candidate against the key selection criteria listed in the Position Description
- Interviews with suitable candidates coordinated by the Club President, Club Secretary and Head of Premier Football or their proxy (3 panellists in total)
- Reference checks of the preferred applicant.
Persons applying for the position of Technical Director who will be excluded include:
- Coaches currently under suspension by any regional, state or national governing body
- Persons who cannot satisfy mandatory working with children checks
- Coaches involved in coaching at another club that has teams within NNSW Premier Competitions.
All records relating to selection of coaching staff are to be kept by the Valentine FC Executive Committee for a period of two years, then archived.
The Technical Director’s performance will be measured annually against the performance criteria listed in the Valentine FC Position Description: Technical Director.
Valentine FC will address and resolve parent and player concerns promptly.
In the event of a dispute, the player and/or parent/carer may write to the relevant Technical Director outlining their grievance with relevant information/evidence supporting their claim(s). This is to be no more than 250 words.
The Valentine FC Technical Director will assess all disputes and will provide a decision to the player and/or parent/carer within 7 days of receiving the letter.
It the dispute is unable to be resolved by the Technical Director, the matter may be submitted for appealed to the Valentine FC Board for settlement. This decision will be final and no subsequent appeals will be considered.
Alcohol and Tobacco Practice Policy
Valentine FC will address and resolve parent and player concerns promptly.
This policy outlines our procedures for a balanced and responsible approach to the service, supply, consumption and promotion of alcohol at club games, special events, functions and other club-related activities. It represents our club’s commitment to its members, volunteers and visitors, acknowledging the role that sporting clubs and associations play in building strong and healthy communities.
This policy will help to ensure our club:
- Meets its duty of care in relation to the health and safety of our members, volunteers and visitors who attend any club games, special events, functions and other activities where alcohol may be consumed.
- Upholds the reputation of our club, our sponsors and partners.
- Understands the risks associated with alcohol misuse and our role in minimising this risk.
- Complies with a valid liquor licence and associated terms and conditions where appropriate.
General Principles
A risk management approach will be taken in planning events and activities involving the sale, supply or consumption of alcohol. Such events and activities will be conducted and managed in a manner consistent with liquor licensing legislation and this policy.
Alcohol use can lead to risk taking, unsafe, unacceptable and/or illegal behaviour. Excessive consumption of alcohol will not be an excuse for unacceptable behaviour, particularly behaviour that endangers others or breaches the law, this policy or any other policy of the club.
A person is defined as in a state of intoxication if their speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is noticeably affected and there are reasonable grounds for believing that this is the result of the consumption of alcohol.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community expectations and legal requirements.
- Our club will ensure that servers of alcohol will not consume alcohol when on duty.
- Our club recognises that not all club members may drink alcohol. Our club will ensure that water is provided free of charge.
- Our club actively encourages the sale of at least one low-alcohol and four non-alcoholic drink options and ensures they are priced at least 10% cheaper than the cheapest full-strength drink. Healthy drink options will be provided, where possible.
- Our club actively encourages the sale of non-alcoholic drinks that are at least 10% cheaper than full-strength alcoholic drinks.
- Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct happy hours at our club.
- Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct cheap drink promotions.
- Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct drinking competitions.
- Our club will encourage safe celebrations and events by not conducting ‘all you can drink’ functions.
- Our club will encourage safe celebrations and events by not providing alcohol-only drink vouchers for functions.
- The service of double measures of spirits is discouraged.
- Substantial food (requiring preparation and/or heating) will be available when alcohol is available. Healthy food options will be provided, where possible.
Our club will provide an opportunity for coaches, officials, members and volunteers to be educated about the risks and harms associated with alcohol.
Leading by Example
- Our club will avoid providing awards (e.g. at end of season presentations) and fundraising prizes that have an emphasis on alcohol as a reward.
- Our club does not consume alcohol at junior games, events, functions or activities.
- Our club does not permit alcohol supply or consumption during junior events or presentations.
- Our club does not permit the drinking of alcohol in the club change-rooms when members of junior teams are present.
- Our club does not permit the drinking of alcohol in the club change-rooms when people under the age of 18 are present, including underage players in senior teams.
- Alcohol brands and products will not be advertised by the junior club and will not be placed on junior apparel.
- Whilst engaging in club activities, members, volunteers and visitors will not post images on social media of themselves or others drinking alcohol irresponsibly at club-related activities.
- When promoting events the club will adopt the practices of safe celebrations by:
- Not overemphasising the availability of alcohol or referring to the amount of alcohol available.
- Not encouraging rapid drinking or excessive drinking.
- Giving equal reference to the availability of non-alcoholic drinks.
- Displaying a clear start and finish time for the function.
- Including a safe transport message, where possible and relevant.
- Our club will monitor and ensure any club trips, particularly end of season player trips, strictly adhere to responsible behaviour and alcohol consumption in accordance with the principles of this policy and the values of the club.
- Our club recognises that driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is hazardous to individuals and the wider community. Accordingly, we ask that all attendees at our functions plan their transport requirements to ensure they arrive home safely and prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.
Licencing Requirements
- Our club will ensure that a current and appropriate liquor licence is maintained, and will comply with our Liquor licence requirements and all applicable local by-laws.
- The club will comply with its’ liquor licence requirements and all applicable local by-laws.
- Our club will ensure that alcohol is only served during the times specified in our liquor licence.
- Our club will ensure that only people aged 18 years or older serve alcohol.
- Alcohol will not be served to persons aged under 18 years. Bar servers and committee members will ask for proof of age for anyone who looks 25 years old or younger. Only photo ID’s will be accepted as ‘proof of age’.
- Intoxicated people are not permitted to enter/stay in the club, and they are supported to get home safely.
- Servers will follow Responsible Service of Alcohol training procedures when refusing service to an intoxicated person.
- If a person becomes intoxicated (and is not putting other people at risk with their behaviour) the person will not be served alcohol but will be provided with water and options for safe transport home from our club, where available. If a person becomes intoxicated (and is putting other people at risk due to their behaviour) the person will be asked to leave our club premises immediately and offered safe transport options, where available. Police may also be contacted to remove the person, if required.
- Our club will ensure only Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) trained bar servers with current accreditations will serve alcohol.
- Our club will ensure an incident register will be maintained (at the bar/canteen) and any alcohol-related incidents will be recorded on the register.
- Club committee members will uphold this policy and any non-compliance, particularly in regard to Licencing Laws, will be handled according to the following process:
- Explanation of the policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the section of policy not being complied with.
- Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the facilities or function.
Promotion and Perception
- Our club will ensure that all committee members are aware of the importance of endorsing our Good Sports policy and promoting it to members.
- Our club will ensure Good Sports merchandise (such as posters, equipment or certificates) is on display at our club, or we’ll ensure we make Good Sports-related social media posts or website announcements where merchandise display isn’t possible.
- Our club will:
- Educate members, volunteers and visitors about our policy and the benefits of having such a policy.
- Pursue non-alcohol sponsorship and revenue sources.
- Actively demonstrate its attitude relating to the responsible use of alcohol and other drugs and promote positive messages through its social media platforms.
- Actively participate in the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program with an ongoing priority to achieve and maintain the highest Good Sports accreditation.
- Our club will ensure this policy is easily accessible and will promote it via our website, newsletters, social media, announcements during events and functions.
- Our club will aim to promote our involvement in Good Sports during one event throughout the year.
- Our club requires the following areas to be smoke-free:
- All indoor areas.
- All outdoor playing/training areas.
- All spectator areas (standing and seated, covered, and uncovered).
- All canteen, catering, eating and drinking areas.
- Smoke-free areas will be signed (where possible) and promoted in club materials. A designated smoking permitted area is available.
- Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and any other tobacco products will not be sold, including from vending machines, at any time at or by our club.
- Many young people hold parents, teammates and coaches in high esteem and smoking around them sends the message that smoking is okay. Therefore, we expect that coaches, players, officials and volunteers will refrain from smoking while involved in an official capacity for the club, on and off the field. To foster our club’s reputation as a healthy environment, no images of club volunteers, members, officials, coaches, and players smoking at club-related activities will be placed on social media.
- Our club will promote resources for members wishing to quit, including the national Quitline (13 78 48 https://www.quit.org.au/), where appropriate.